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This is SO unofficial, but I don't know whether I can continue my '11 Days In Italy' blog. Firstly my memory is 'dying' and I figured that I wasn't kidding when I said I wouldn't have any time. Literally, I have zero time. NO. TIME. (Gosh, I hate homework!) Anyway, also I tried SO hard to put this on 'Google' but I don't think it's going to happen because of my lack of something known as a 'domain'..... And I don't have things like 'Twitter' and a 'Google+' page!

By the way this is so late, I only just found the time to post this.....

In other, more present, news, I might consider (I know that doesn't sound promising) putting this random story I've begun writing on this blog.....

It's called 'The Finndale Mystery' and it's based off a game I made, but I still need to come up with a good enough mystery for it!


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