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Naples & The Underground Aqueduct

We had to wake up at roughly 2:30am. My suitcase was packed, I just needed my phone and hair brush. I missed breakfast because the taxi had arrived to take us to Gatwick Airport. I was very tired and the sky was still black, I fell asleep for a while.....

Our bags were being checked in whilst we waited for the others who would travel with us. There were 12 in total. We ate a small breakfast at 'Pret a manger' I ate a chocolate croissant, so did my cousin.

My sister was feeling sick, she always does around plane flights.....

Eventually we prepared to board the plane, the flight wouldn't be too long, just about 2 hours. I sat beside my cousins, they're a lot younger than me, 8 and 9, so they can be annoying sometimes.

I listened to music for most of the way, and I didn't sleep, when we landed in Naples it was very hot and I regretted wearing long sleeves. When we left the airport the shuttles to the car hire area were all full so we had to wait. When we got to Hertz the cars weren't ready, we ate bounty chocolate with peach ice tea and then took a taxi to our hotel, 'STARHOTELS TERMINUS'. Not all of our rooms were cleaned. only one, so we left our bags there and I changed my top. Then we went out to lunch, a pizza restaurant, which was a lot to come.....

The restaurant was called 'Trianon' I had a Margherita pizza with an egg on top, I only ate 3 slices, but they were quite big. I also spilled water there which became a temporary bad habit at other restaurants as well. Later, we returned to the hotel, but the rooms were not yet ready. we hung around in the lobby for some time and I played the piano too! About 3 people stayed back meanwhile the rest of us walked a long way in the heat to see an underground aqueduct. It smelt damp, there was a tour guide who told us about the history of the ruins. There were tight spaces and we could hold candles whilst walking through the caves, I guess it was fun.....

It was still hot when the tour concluded so we bought gelato. My first gelato in Italy, it was oreo flavour, in a cup, but too sweet for my taste.....

We went back to the hotel, our rooms were ready this time. The walk back felt a lot quicker, but I was still sweaty and longing for a shower. The room was modern and quite big, with a double bed on two opposite sides of the room. The colour theme seemed blue, gold and white. We had two small balconies overlooking the busy roads beneath, with black swirly railings. I liked our room best!

Most of the adults went to collect the two vehicles from the car rental, meanwhile I had a shower, so did my cousins and sister (my sister said she had a shower but without soap, so she had one again). My cousins stayed in our room whilst their parents were out, we played some games and I drank some camomile tea (which isn't really relevant.....).

We had made 'the element game' a year before, I was Aquata, princess of the sea, and my sister was Grace of the skies, her element was air. Our cousins were fire and earth.

That also wasn't relevant, but just some context.....

After we spent ages hanging around in my room, I climbed out of a window in an other room and almost got stuck in another balcony, thankfully I managed to return.

I had begun to make a video but I could only mention so much, it was getting late and finally everyone else came back. We shared some minestrone soup and spaghetti, from foil containers and all 12 people spent the rest of the evening in our room. The four 'children', including me, went onto the balcony and sung songs (quite badly) to a pretend audience on the roads and decided beeping cars was a good sign of adoration.

later, 'the children' went to the other room to change clothes and brush our teeth. We needed sleep for the busy day ahead. When everyone left our room I put on my retainers and lay down as my dad struggled to block the night lights, then I put on an alarm for tomorrow and slowly fell asleep.


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